Everyday choices matter. When more and more of us choose to buy organic food, we tip the scales in favour of having our food produced in an environmentally sustainable way that respects biodiversity and animal welfare. The Organic is part of the solution campaign provides information about organic food and raises awareness about the EU organic label and why organic food is a reliable, responsible, and sustainable choice.

The Organic is part of the solution campaign was launched on EU Organic Day on 23 September 2022 and will run from 2022 to 2024. The campaign is being featured in and around grocery stores, as well as on social and traditional media. The campaign takes over where the Organic. It’s a good sign campaign left off in August 2022.

The campaign tells consumers in a fun and engaging way that buying organic food can change the world. The main message of the campaign is: Organic in Europe: Part of the Solution. The main message underlines the importance of the European Union’s green deal goals and talks about the importance of organic food in building a more sustainable food system.

Luomumerkki.fi is the official website of the campaign and a home base where you can find information about organic food and learn all about organic producers.

The campaign is being implemented in accordance with national nutritional recommendations. Instructions for a balanced and healthy diet can be found HERE.

The Organic is part of the solution campaign is an EU co-funded campaign implemented in Finland by Pro Luomu together with its members.

International cooperation project

The Organic is part of the solution campaign is part of a larger international collaboration project, the target countries of which are Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Flanders in Belgium. Pro Luomu is implementing the campaign together with its sister organisations Organic Sweden, Bionext in the Netherlands and Bioforum in Flanders. Pro Luomu is responsible for the project’s campaign activities in Finland.

This project focuses on boosting sales of organic products in supermarkets, as well as increasing confidence in the European organic label. More information on the project >

The total budget of the project in all four different target countries is EUR 4.53 million, of which Finland’s share is EUR 1.55 million. The EU is funding 80% of the project’s budget, with Finland’s 13 Pro Luomu member organisations also contributing to the project.

The European Union’s project funding is part of the EU’s green deal package and the target set by the European Commission to increase the percentage of agricultural land under organic farming to 25% of the EU’s total arable land by 2030.


Organic sales have not yet recovered in Finland.

Contact details

If you have any questions about the Luomumerkki.fi website and the campaign, please contact us:

Aura Lamminparras, Executive Director,
+358 40 556 8097, aura.lamminparras@proluomu.fi

Heidi Haavisto-Meier, Specialist,
+358 41 432 9690, heidi.haavisto-meier@proluomu.fi

Minna Ala-Kyyny, Communications Specialist,
+358 40 120 7477, minna.ala-kyyny@proluomu.fi

Krista Tuomi, Communications Coordinator,
+358 40 756 5991, krista.tuomi@proluomu.fi